A Certain Ceramic Bowl


This ceramic bowl, may seem like your ordinary piece of ancient kitchen wear. Well it is, although there is a deep meaning behind the images of this pottery. Even if it might seem simple, the story is still a tragic one. On this late 12th, to early 13th century year old, Islamic pottery, we see a camel, an archer, a horse, birds, three woman, and a man. 

The bowl is called, Bowl with Bahram Gur and Azada. The story depicted here, talks about Bahram Gur and Azada. Bahram Gur is the male with the bow, and Azada is woman playing the harp; with another woman being trampled, and the other close behind. Where this painting comes from is Persian literature, Shahnama, "The Book of the Kings". This story is one of the most admired tales; that shows a hunting scene. Although, the ending of this story, is what makes this painting important.

At first it shows, Bahram Gur, Azada's Husband, piercing a gazelle, with his bow and arrow, through the ear and hoof, which he was tasked to do by Azada. later, the painting shows, a woman being trampled, who we find to be Azada. Azada is shown being trampled after she ridicules Bahram Gur for being a cruel prince, who did evil deeds. When I first saw this painting, I did not expect it to have such a dark story to come from it. Although I thought the way the story is being told was unique, do the colors used and how environment of the painting is being shown. As I wasn't prepared to learn that Azada was the one being trampled.

Smarthistory.org. 2020. Musical Imagery In The Global Middle Ages – Smarthistory. [online] Available at: <https://smarthistory.org/music-global-middle-ages/> 

Metmuseum.org. 2020. [online] Avalible at: <https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/451377> 

Projects.leadr.msu.edu. 2020. Object 1 Bowl With Bahrām Gūr And Azada · Salvation Narratives · Medieval Art. [online] Available at: <http://projects.leadr.msu.edu/medievalart/exhibits/show/salvation-narratives/object-1-bowl-with-bahr--m-g--> [Accessed 19 September 2020].


  1. This is certainly an interesting piece of art. The artistic depiction of such an event or tale is quite evocative. I would definitely have liked to learn more about the background of this story and more about the bowl itself as well. Where specifically was this bowl found? Do we know what it was used for or who may have owned it? Overall, you have definitely piqued my interest. Good job.

  2. David,

    What a choice of artwork. It blows my mind how this small and simple ceramic bowl tells such a sad and in-depth story. The fact that there is a female being trampled by a camel, a man piercing a gazelle with his bow and arrow, birds, and another horse just blows my mind being that it is on a bowl. Well written and informative post, good job.

  3. David, this piece of artwork is so amazing. There is so much detail in the pottery as well as the story its incredible. I was really intrigued that there was a background story, and by the fact that it took a turn from the picture on the bowl!


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