The Butcher Boys

(Jane Alexander, Butcher Boys, Cape Town, 1985-1986)

Many artworks in our world amaze us in every way possible. This piece of artwork truly surprised me, by the presence of discomfort these three figures give off. Even though they each have human qualities and sit on a wooden bench. The fact that animal parts have merged within them, makes us feel uneasy. The artist behind these humanoid figures is Jane Alexander, she created them by using real animal bones and horns, but the body was made from reinforced plaster. The Butcher Boys was created and finished between 1985 and 1986 in Cape Town. 

(Jane Alexander, Butcher Boys, Cape Town, 1985-1986)

When you first notice the figures, you might be wondering if they had a human face before or if that was how they were designed. They also reflect some poster aspects of Hellenistic art such as the Boxer At Rest by Apollonius. If you look closely at the eyes of each of them, they're all black. Which I think shows a deeper meaning to what the Butcher Boys represent whatever the meaning is. Other than the uncanny resemblance between humans and animals are the scars and wounds left marked on their bodies. Giving a feeling of empathy and sadness, which adds to the discomfort of the Butcher Boys.  

I think it's really interesting the types of emotional effects this piece of artwork can give to people; as I understand the feeling of discomfort they each give off. But also the feeling of being something abnormal, something I think the Butcher Boys is about. 

Dr. Amy Nygaard Mickelson, "Jane Alexander, Butcher Boys," in Smarthistory, September 29, 2020, accessed November 4, 2020,


  1. Hey david great post, i can definitely say that this made me feel uncomfortable, but also interested. these figures may look a little intimidating but also they truly represent the sadness and emotions from the artists. Thanks for sharing!


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